Coaching Success E-Book

"I feel privileged to be a part of this wonderful project. I sincerely thank all the coaches for giving generously of themselves, and Tina Kittelty for her tireless work in putting this wonderful resource together.
David Wood, PCC

 International Coach Federation Member Certified

Alexa Traffic Ranking



Like Tony Robbins, these Coaches are Making $30,000 to $1,400,000
each year while changing people's lives -- Hear their stories and learn how they did it!


Real-Life Case Study #1 -- Michael Cooper

This former consultant, with no prior experience in coaching, went on to clock up 180 clients! 'Coop' reveals how he quadrupled his coaching business in one month.(pages 29 to 34)

Real-Life Case Study #2 -- Judy Feld

Corporate Coach Judy Feld is the sitting president of the International Coach Federation. She easily surpassed $30,000 in her very first year of coaching, and shares with us her seven steps to creating your perfect niche. (pages 11 to 13)

Real-Life Case Study #3 -- Ernest Oriente

Last year Ernest grossed US$1.4 million from his coaching business. A former corporate executive, he realised his people skills would translate perfectly into coaching. You'll love reading the step by step principles that show exactly how he did it. (pages 47 to 56)

Real-Life Case Study #4 -- Bob Davies

Bob's coaching generates up to US$15,000 every month! Find out how he can charge $1,500 for 3 x 45 minute sessions. (Pages 37 to 40)

And there's MORE...


From: David Wood
Monday, 10:17 a.m.

Dear Coach,

What's the fastest way to a build a thriving coaching practice? Get inside the minds of people like you who've built a hugely profitable practice from scratch -- and learn exactly how they did it.

What's the slowest way? Stumble along for years hoping you hit the right strategies by trial and error. So...

Why waste your valuable time and money when we're exposing the most costly mistakes -- and the most profitable strategies -- of real world coaching practices that are booming?


Personally, I've always believed in the principle: "Model someone who's already reached the goal you want to achieve."

Living by this principle, I'm privileged to have grown my coaching business to over $100,000 a year, clocking up 1,400 hours of coaching in 13 countries. And if I may, I'd like to share a fundamental truth:

Marketing "theories" and "concepts" aren't enough.

You've got to analyze, understand, and model real world businesses that are already thriving. You've got to be privy to their most powerful techniques, assets, and secrets.

But here's the trouble...

Since the coaching industry's front-runners are so focused on actually coaching, they rarely publish their secrets in books or newsletters. It's just not a priority for them. And they don't want to get sidetracked. So it's been tough to learn their secrets.

And even if someone were willing to mentor you, how would you find them? How would you approach them? How would you get them to reveal their secrets? How much would it cost you? And what questions would you ask? It becomes more and more complicated... and time-consuming!

That's why I've made it super-easy for you. As a Professional Certified Coach, and former Chair of the ICF Publicity Committee, I've used my contacts to land interviews with the best coaches in the world. And I've published them all in one easy to read ebook.

Introducing "10 Super Coaches Share Their Secrets"

I'm absolutely thrilled to be making this available to the coaching public! And -- to tell you about the $116 in free bonus gifts we've been able to create for you.


You'll Learn Exactly...

  • How much the top coaches are actually making, and what you can expect. (Finally – hard figures!)
  • How to get clients who pay
  • How much to charge your clients
  • How to find your niche, and do you really need one?
  • Should you do free coaching sessions?
  • Should you coach friends - or are they a 'no go' zone?

Not to mention...

  • How to raise your fees, while keeping your clients!
  • The number one marketing method that top coaches recommend
  • Which marketing methods are like pouring money down the drain!
  • How to get your first public speaking bookings
  • How to get started with the minimum amount of capital
  • Should you keep your day job? And what’s the smoothest way to make the leap?

And the long awaited...

  • Do you really need certification?
  • Which top coaching schools do the experts recommend?
  • How additional streams of income can supplement your coaching income!

And -- your ebook is risk-free for 90 days. The tips and strategies you discover must help you to get at least 10 paying clients within 90 days, or you pay nothing.


Get An Inside Look At Ordinary People Like:

Real-Life Case Study #5 -- Mike Turner

This counselor/consultant has built his coaching business to a healthy £85,000 p.a. Learn the secret Mike discovered, that put him on this winning path (pages 1 to 5)

Real-Life Case Study #6 -- Ginger Cockerham

Ginger left life as a property tax specialist to become a life coach. Find out how she managed to burst through the dreaded 'ten client barrier' and clock up over 6,000 hours of coaching! (pages 14 to 22)

Real-Life Case Study #7 -- Leza Danly

This former actor has built her coaching business to a respectable $100,000 p.a. In this revealing interview, Leza describes the important balance of business sense, and coming from the heart. (Pages 23 to 28)

Real-Life Case Study #8 -- Bob Cornish

This Master Certified Coach (MCC) started by coaching race car drivers! Learn from Bob how to avoid the No. 1 costly marketing mistake new coaches make. (Pages 6 to 10)


I'd like to introduce you to Ernest F. Oriente -- the 'Million Dollar Coach' -- and show you EXACTLY how...

  • Ernest now grosses between US$1.4 and $1.5 million each year - doing what he loves. Half the year he coaches from home, and half the year he skis. (Some have the life - but you can too!)
  • Discover how he started his coaching business, with no prior coaching experience -- and without certification!
  • Learn how he overcame the loneliness of the solo entrepreneur, to keep his motivation high, and keep moving forward every single day.
  • Best of all, find out the biggest mistake he made while building his practice, and how you can avoid it. (Save yourself the thousands of dollars some coaches have lost, by riding on the back of Ernest's hard-earned lessons)
  • See how he has created six specialised niches or target markets (that's right - six!). And -- he'll take you through a six step testing process you can use to see if a niche has the 'legs' to be successful. (Pursuing the wrong niche for you could take years off your progress).
  • Be there as Ernest explains the true secret behind his success: his unique marketing strategy. More importantly, learn how you can apply this powerful strategy to your unique situation.
  • Know exactly what to charge your clients, and how and when to increase your fees - while still retaining your current clients. Even better - learn a negotiation trick Ernest uses that will increase your fees significantly!

* * *

How much would you expect to pay for this world's first business guide from the top coaches? In time alone this ebook cost over $8,000 to produce.

Over the next 6 months alone you'll probably save several thousand dollars by choosing the right strategies, or perhaps the right school for you.

But -- I want every single coach on the planet to have this wonderful resource! So today you can take it away for a low US$47.
(You may choose your own currency on the final order page).


Click Here to Order Now


Here Are Your $116 in Free Bonus Gifts...

To make sure you have every advantage as you accelerate your coaching business, I want to give you these exciting bonus gifts

1. FREE - The original online audio interview with me (David Wood), as I show you how I went from one client paying $25 per week, to 20 clients in 13 countries, totaling $120,000 per year. Arrives Day 1.
(Value $29)

2. FREE - The original online audio interview with the 'Million Dollar Coach', Ernest F. Oriente -- for those who like to listen as well as read. Listen over and over again to soak up every detail! Arrives Day 3.
(Value $39)

3. FREE - The 3 R’s of Marketing from Judy Feld, President of the International Coach Federation. Make sure you read this to apply critical marketing skills to your business. Arrives Day 7.
(Value $19)

4. FREE - Expansion Pack with SEVEN BONUS INTERVIEWS! That's an additional 46 pages of practical advice you can start implementing today, giving you access to a total of 17 leading coaches! Arrives Day 10.
(Value $29)

Why am I offering these free of charge? Why don't I charge $97 for the interviews and provide NO free bonsues?

It's simply because that's the nature of the internet. People surf the net to surf, they don't begin with the intention of buying. People only buy when they are getting far more value than they are paying.

So that's what I'm doing. I'm giving you over $163 in value, so that making this risk-free purchase today is a no-brainer for you.

Please note that these amazing bonuses are guaranteed with your purchase for today only. If you come back tomorrow and they have removed, you must respect that by their nature they are a limited time offer.

So today you can get this entire package risk free,
for $163 $47! And here's my rock solid guarantee:


Get 10 Paying Clients In 90 Days... Or Pay Nothing

Don't decide now. Instead, download your ebook on a risk-free basis, and take the next 90 days to soak up this valuable information.

Within minutes of completing your form, and paying by credit card, mail or phone, you'll be given instant download access to the '10 Super Coaches Share Their Secrets' ebook.

You'll receive your first bonus -- an online audio interview -- straight away. You'll then receive your three further bonuses on Days 3, 7 and 10 respectively.

If you apply even ONE strategy from one interview, and you don't get at least ten paying clients over the next 90 days, or if for any reason you're not thrilled with your purchase, just e-mail us for a complete refund of all monies you've paid.

I'm serious. We're not interested in having customers who are anything less than 100% satisfied. We only want to be paid for making a concrete contribution to your success as a coach.

And the clincher...

I'm so sure you'll love these interviews, that I'm going to do something I've never done before. For a limited time only, if you're not entirely satisfied after 90 days, you'll also get one free coach mentoring session with Daniel Midson-Short - the coach who gained 35 paying clients over 5 months! Daniel is that extra 'emergency push' for those coaches who need it.


Important: Anyone Can Do This

You don't have to have a Ph.D., or 10 years of corporate experience to be successful as a coach. Most of our coaches interviewed didn't have a coaching certification when they started. And most didn't jump into it full time.

They had a former career just like you and me, and they started working on their coaching business 1-3 days a week. Step by step, they persistently built hugely successful coaching careers.

If you truly care about people, and you are willing to model success - to use what has worked for others time and time again - then you too can use these techniques to create a very successful practice!

What This eBook is Not...

Coaching is not a get rich quick scheme -- it is very rare to reach $50,000 p.a. in less than 12 months. Coaching is a privileged profession where you can work from home, have the fulfillment of changing people's lives, and have a highly profitable business after 2-5 years.

This valuable resource you are downloading today is:

  • practical advice to accelerate your business success
  • tips and strategies to ensure you get paying clients in a reasonable time frame
  • a guide to navigating the complex world of coaching certification
  • daily inspiration to warm you on your journey
  • a constant companion as you pursue this noble profession of coaching

'10 Super Coaches Share Their Secrets' brings you the cream of the crop.


Note: How You Can Get This Information For Free

Of course, you don't actually need to download this product today. Really. If I did it - you can do it. You can collect it all yourself -- and I'll show you exactly how:

1) Research which coaches are at the very top of their professions -- both ICF Certified, and Coachville Certified. (Approx. 6 hours)

2) Compile and test a list of the most powerful questions you can come up with. Questions that go right to the heart of what worked from them -- and the time and money-sapping traps to avoid.
(Approx. 6 hours)

3) Contact all ten coaches and enroll them in spending some of their valuable time with you -- sharing the intimate details of their journey to the top. If you don't have a high profile in the industry it may take you some time, but with persistence, you can do it!
(Approx. 15 hours, 10 hours performing interviews)

4) Invest in and test high quality phone recording equipment so you can record the most critical phone interviews. This way you can capture the most vital information, and re-listen again and again to ensure you can apply each strategy to your own situation.
(Approx. 6 hours)

5) Collate and edit all ten interviews into the essential tips, tricks, strategies and resources to remove any unwanted fluff - and reduce the information to raw value.
(Approx. 25 hours)


So basically, anyone can generate and access this information. If - you have the drive, persistence, and about 60 solid hours over 12 weeks.

OR, why not take advantage of the fact that I've just done all the work for you, and download all the information risk free for a low US$47!




I feel privileged to be a part of this wonderful project. I sincerely thank all the coaches for giving generously of themselves, and Tina Kittelty for her tireless work in putting this wonderful resource together.


Professional Certified Coach (PCC)


P.S. Wait 'til you hear the audio interview with Ernest, the 'Million Dollar Coach'. He's an amazing guy, and explains his strategy so simply that even business 'newbies' can instantly get it. You don't want to miss this!

P.S.S. Need Help? You can call us at:

(608) 554-0782

or write to us at:

P.O. Box 233, Zeeland MI 49464 - United States