Mentor Monthly™ Newsletter
Business Building for Professionals....
Coaches, Consultants, Speakers & Trainers

Issue #30: Discover Your Goals for 2005

David Wood, PCC



1. Announcements/Offers
2. 'Discover Your Goals For 2005' (FEATURE ARTICLE)
3. About the 'Mentor Monthly™' Newsletter

Shows David's picture when online

1. Announcements/Offers

Psychotherapists Needed For Tsunami Relief

Wanting to help the tsunami victims? And you're a licensed psychotherapist, with field experience in disaster and emergency situations (required)? Then volunteer to join the Circle of Health Int'l disaster team: contact Sera Bonds at 512.517.3220 or . Donations of cash and frequent flyer mile donations over 60,000 also very much appreciated.


CoachStart™ Manual - Free Printed Copy, F'ree Shipping

At long last, the CoachStart™ eManual is to be released in printed form!

PLUS - I'm adding three new chapters detailing advanced marketing strategies like:

  • Getting a Steady Stream of Clients From The Internet
  • How to Get Clients Via Public Speaking
  • Fill Your Practice Using Powerful Alliances

It's due to be printed February 15, at which point we'll have to seriously consider a substantial price increase.

But if you purchase your eManual copy now, you'll get to download the eManual now like everyone else, and you'll receive your free printed copy when it's released in the next 30 days!

PLUS f'ree shipping anywhere in the world!

(Already have the eManual? Just wait until we announce the printing and we'll let you know about special arrangements we're making for you).

Get your copy now at:


ACCPOW Coaching TeleSummit 2005 - S'ave 25% in Next 36hrs

(S'ave $52 if you register in the next 36 hours. Earlybird deadline has been extended for MentorMonthly subscribers only.)

My good friend Milana calls this the "First Coaching Summit in Your Pajamas". Listen in from wherever you are in the world.

Between January 18th and 31st there will be three debates and eighteen workshops.

She's definitely got an impressive lineup, a good price, and you can get the whole summit at the end on CD.

The presenters are a 'Who's Who' of the coaching world:

  • Creating Coaching Products for Money, Image and Success, with Michael Port
  • Marketing Plan for the First-Year Coach, with Terri Levine
  • Coach as an Entrepreneur: Reaching the Next Level of Coaching Bushiness Success, with CJ Harden
  • How to Select and Penetrate a Lucrative Coaching Niche for Maximum Profit in Minimum Time, with David Ferry
  • How to Create a Coaching Program that Sells, with Michelle Stubbiness
  • How to Automate your Coaching Business Online, with Ditch Meyerson
  • Coaching Club Secrets: How I Create Low-Maintenance, High-Profit Niche Membership, Coaching Club or Mentoring Programs That M'ake $169,200 A Year, Coaching Just 2 Days a Week, with Ramon Williamson
  • Achieving Out'rageous Growth in Your Coaching Business, with Debbie Bermont
  • Why Many Coaching Practices Fail and How to Failure-Proof Your Business, with David Steele
  • Building a Smooth-Running Coaching Practice, with Meg Montford
  • Coaching Web Site Makeover Workshop, with Marcia Yudkin
  • Getting R'ich by Finding Your Coaching Niche, with David Frey
  • Putting Your Coaching Business on Autopilot, with Sylva Leduc
  • Grow Your Coaching Business through Building a Massive Mailing List, with Travis Greenlee
  • How to Build Your Own Coaching Team and In'crease Your Annual In'come by at least 300%, with Janice Copeland
  • Big Bang Marketing for Coaches, with Bea Fields
  • Multiple Streams of Coaching Income, with Andrea J. Lee 
  • Putting It All Together: Six Steps to Six Figures In Six Months or Less, with Ramon Williamson
  • Leveraging TeleForums and Group Coaching for a Successful Coaching Business, with Judy Feld
  • How to Develop Tangible Coaching "Toys" and Tools, with Marcy Nelson-Garrison


Save $52 if you register in the next 48 hours. While the website says the early bird deadline expires Jan 12 - Milana has kindly agreed to extend the discount to midnight Friday (4pm Sat in Australia) for MentorMonthly subscribers only. Register now at:


2. FEATURE: Discover Your Top Three Goals For 2005

Want to discover/clarify your top three goals?

Would you like to help your clients and colleagues set powerful goals for 2005?

In about 5 minutes? (OK, sometimes 10).

And fr'ee of charge?

Get your personalised, customised, Free Goals Report.

Now - it won't achieve the goals for you (smile), but it's a quick simple exercise that also emails you a pdf report you can print and hang on your wall.

And - you have the option of receiving a complimentary email or phone review of your Goals Report by a coach.

It's normally $9.95 but to celebrate the New Year, and so we can help as many people as possible set powerful goals, here's fr'ee access!


To clarify your top 3 goals in the next 10 minutes visit:


I invite you to forward this link to friends and colleagues as a gift.


Want to Host this Quiz/Report on Your Site?
Looking for More Clients?

How would you like to be the coach listed on the goals report above?

i.e. Where it says 'Daniel Midson-Short' at the page above, would you like it to say your name, your company, and your logo?

Instead of web visitors passing you buy, wouldn't you prefer to engage them with a valuable, interactive quiz?

And when the report is filled in, would you like to get a copy, with an invitation to email or call a potential client?

Just fill in the quiz above so you can see how it all works. And keep a look out for the 'Want this form on your site' link.

Because this is new, we're currently letting coach's sign up for free!



3. About the 'Mentor Monthly' Newsletter

TO SUBSCRIBE, and for fr'ee information packs on coaching, visit:

Please forward this newsletter to anyone you feel might make a great coach!



I encourage you to share, replicate or forward this newsletter or article as long as the subscription, author links, and copyright information are kept intact.

Web site:

David Wood is a Professional Life Coach, and author of the powerful Free Download: '50 Life Coaching Questions to Take Control of Your Life and Help Your Clients'. He helps coaches, consultants, speakers and trainers to build their businesses via his popular ebook: "10 Super Coaches Share Their Secrets" and his audio ebook: "Getting Your First 50 Clients".

"David Wood is a personal and business coach, and an original founder of the International Coach Academy - a global coach training school"

Copyright 2001-2004 Life Coaching

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(You may convert it to text if you have a text newsletter, as long as you include a link to one of our web sites).



Copyright 2004 SolutionBox™ and Life Coaching