Making A Plan
The following is an excerpt of one of David’s coaching sessions in Top Coaching Techniques.
David: I’m hearing too in there that there might be some things that are important to you that are not getting attention right now. So, you’re actually out of integrity and that’s why you’re feeling that. It’s good news that you’re so sensitive about it. Some people don’t even notice.
Client: Right.
David: Or they just go and distract themselves.
Client: Part of it too is, Seth and I keep coming up with plans and we keep changing these plans. He has been changing his mind, and I feel like I have to go back and figure out what a new strategy is. So some of it is just needing to sit down and come up with a plan together, because there are too many unknowns. Part of it is the being out of integrity thing. In our relationship, he cares very much about making the money and I care about having fun. So, I feel like I have to keep bringing money to the table, but at the same time I really don’t care, because I just want to have fun.
David: So, if you are following his agenda, whose fault is that?
Client: Yeah. That’s part of the problem.
David: There’s something else I could send you that’s really cool and I think you might like it. I don’t think you’ve seen my personal life goal sheet. I’ll send you that and it might give you some ideas.
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