Making Changes
The following is an excerpt of David’s interview in Top Coaching Techniques.
Ingrid: Sometimes it’s just scary making those changes isn’t it? You might think that, but just activating them is the scary thing.
David: It is, and you know what? I like to act confident all the time. I’ve found in my own life that if there’s something really big that I want to make happen, it’s just scary, because it’s uncertain. So it’s not until you sit down with a coach that you actually start fleshing it out. What would my new career look like? How much money would I be getting? What would I have to give up to do it? How would I transition into it? It starts getting less scary as you start filling in the blanks. Another couple of areas people often get a coach on might be relationships, finding a relationship, or improving your relationship. It could be a new business. People might want to start a business for themselves, they might want to improve an existing business, or they might want to work on their finances.
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