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(Tip: here’s a chance to get a $3,000 training program free of charge)
I need some solid success stories for my upcoming book.
i.e. people just like you who applied my seven simple steps, and generated powerful results.
Would you like to, inside 3 months:
– generate 1,000 newsletter subscribers?
– generate $3,000 in new income?
– generate $1,000 a month in passive income from your information product?
My thinking is to run a High Flyers Program, which will be my current training program but with these details:
– start first week of January
– extra personalized support
– $1,000 scholarship off the regular tuition
– strict discipline and accountability (you’ll be working hard)
– if you hit a certain target, you’ll get a $2,000 cash prize which makes it free.
If you want this program to happen, and you think you have what it takes to be a High Flyer, then please:
1) Review the outline of the program here:
2) Give me your suggestions and enthusiasm below in your blog comments.
If there’s enough interest, I’ll send the application form in the next few days and we’ll hit the ground running the first week of January!
I’d love to see at least a dozen people get this training for free, and include your success story and website in the new book!
As my emotions go up and down through the holidays, I’ve
realized I’m not the only one.
Many of us have challenges in the best of times. But with
the economy the way it is, and the holidays upon us,
I’m wondering if a little support for us all is in order?
Should we have a teleclass to connect around the world,
share our challenges and remind us what we’re each
grateful for?
I’m thinking 4pm Eastern (NY time) Christmas Eve…
(and yes, with recording available)
Please post your thoughts and appetite here on the blog.
Love David
30 Challenge – keep your eyes open!
The challenge was so wildly successful, we’ve decided to hold a second one starting Jan 26! Keep your eyes open for the early bird special that will cut the program price in half.
Let us congratulate our big winner in the 30 day challenge – Jerry Clevenger. (As first place prize, Jerry gets an ad slot in the Mentor Monthly, and here it is!)
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For Serious Players Only…
Ready to really BUMP your practice to the next level?
Ready for advanced training on creating long-term marketing engines?
Then listen in to this extensive collection of my most powerful mentoring sessions over the last three years, with your own copy of:-
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Get your copy now:
One of the most difficult parts of coaching is figuring out what your clients are willing to pay. Most coaches think that their fee is a reflection of what they are worth but that is not the whole picture. Sure, your credentials play a part in your fee but not entirely. From the moment your client starts to communicate with you, whether in person, over the phone or through your website, they are getting a perception of your value as a coach. You can build a perception of value by adding things such as a money-back guarantee. Also, adding actual results in testimonials from your clients is an easy way to build value but only do so with their permission.
I have had many questions from coaches about listing their fees on their website. Only include your fees if your desire is to screen your potential clients. If you are a new coach who is still building a practice, you probably don’t want to do this. Getting clients to coach is a top priority for a new coach so it’s best to remain flexible and negotiate after the free introductory session.
The most important part of negotiating a fee is to get a commitment from your potential client. Before moving into the cost of your coaching, be sure to get their commitment to move forward with their goal. Once they make the commitment, they basically have said yes to your fee!
Here are some ideas:
Are you willing to commit to this?
Are you ready to commit to having these things in your life and doing what it takes?
Once they make the commitment, now you are ready to discuss your fees. Always present the discounted 3 month or 6 month option to your client first. Then you have the power to easily negotiate if needed. Remember, they have made the commitment so now they are ready to move forward and achieve their dreams. If they do have objections to the 3 month option, here are some great options:
I do have a payment plan, but it is more money.
You can always negotiate a one month trial only if they agree to move forward with the 3 months at the end.
Try a 6 month option which is like paying for 5 months and getting a month free.
You can run specials that are limited to the first “X” people who sign up for 3 months.
Part of negotiating your fees is offering discounts to friends and family but this can prove to be very uncomfortable. Some coaches are very successful at coaching friends and family and some have another coach as a referral partner where they trade friends and family referrals. If you choose to coach friends and family, it can be difficult to come up with a fee that you feel comfortable with. I have had quite a bit of success asking my friends what fee THEY feel is fair and going with that.
Don’t forget that the more your client pays you the more seriously they are going to take the coaching. There is no need to justify your fees. So be sure to increase your fees as you gain experience. Follow the saying, “you get what you pay for”. Your clients certainly know that.
1. Write a fees script offering 3 month or 6 month terms. Memorize and practice it.
2. Write an “objection eliminator” or fee negotiation script. Memorize and practice it.
These two scripts will give you confidence and make discussing your fees second nature or at least more comfortable.
3. Add value to your site. Look at other websites and see how they add value. Post how you will add value to your site at the BLOG
This article came from an audio from Explode Your Practice. If you are looking for ways to get more clients right now, visit:
P.S. Got a comment on this article? Please add it to the BLOG
How was this marriage saved?
I was very moved to receive this success story from the latest reader of “The Truth About Women” ebook: “David, I have to say thank you sooooo MUCH!!! My husband and I seemed to be worlds apart until I found your ebook. We were in such bad shape I thought there was no where left to go.
We starting reading ‘The Truth About Women’ together about a week ago and it was as if the light came on. He actually looked at me and said “I GET IT! I understand now what you’ve been trying to tell me all along”
We have our good days and our bad days, but the bad ones are becoming far less and when we need to we just reference your ebook to seek coaching!
I know this all sounds so stereotypical but it is the truth. Thank you so much. You have truly saved a family from it’s own demise!”
Tracey Iverson
West Chester PA USA
gtkiverson @
Click here for “The Truth About Women”
This is an excerpt from Warrior of the Light by Paulo Coelho:
A Warrior of the Light needs love.
Love and affection are as much a part of his nature as eating, drinking, and a taste for the Good Fight. When the Warrior watches a sunset and feels no joy, then something is wrong.
At this point, he stops fighting and goes in search of company, so that they can watch the setting sun together.
If he has difficulty in finding company, he asks himself: “Was I too afraid to approach someone? Did I receive affection and not even notice?”
A Warrior of the Light makes use of solitude, but is not used by it.
1) Do one thing today that brings you joy.
2) Do the same activity, only take someone with you. Experience the joy of sharing that moment together.
3) What have you learned? Go to the blog and share your experience.
* * * *
P.S. Got a comment on this article? Add it to the blog
Quite an interesting month. I thought I could keep writing my book while I traveled Australia, but I can’t. Too distracting. I now have an offer from two publishers, and am still shopping it around.
It was awesome to make my brother’s 30th birthday in Melbourne, and to stay with Bronwyn (my darling ex) and her man.
It was great to survive the government audit for a $100,000 export assistance grant. (results aren’t in yet, but it’s looking good)
I went camping with my Dad for three nights – the first time we’ve ever done something alone. It was profound, with each of us bringing up things we’d never spoken of.
After 35 years, I enrolled my family in celebrating my late sister’s life. She lived for 5 years, and I say that’s 5 years worth celebrating! We had a lovely time story-telling around the table.
I explored relationship possibility (once again!) with my personal growth angel/devil, and found that I was just getting hugely triggered; I wasn’t happy. I finally decided life is too short for that, and felt instantly better once I decided to move on (yet again ;-). But you know – it does get easier. It was one of the best break up calls I’ve had.
I spoke to 500 people at a Chris Howard business seminar in Sydney. Sales weren’t what I expected, but I nailed the speech, and I did discover that making out with a stunning woman is a lovely way of moving through a breakup. (too much info? well…you ARE reading the personal section 😉
Also connected with my Aussie friend Sarah Mac after 7 years, and we’re talking about doing a radio show in the US – entertainment meets personal development. Thoughts? (let’s hear them on the blog)
Today I flew from Sydney to San Francisco, and am writing from a lovely hotel on the water. Tomorrow I go to Calgary to hang with friends, and expect to go house hunting soon in the San Francisco Bay area.
So once again, your average month 😉
You can find new photos and videos at
Love David
P.S. all comments welcome here
I’ve just struggled through a pretty intense book, and pulled out some interesting gems which I’ll quote here.
At the end I’ll ask:
What are your thoughts? Do you resonate with any of this in your life? How have you learned to overcome it?
“(Most people spend) the bulk of their journey suffering the loss of relationship with their own best selves.”
“Who among us (can be) capable of agape or “disinterested love” i.e. love wholly invested in the well being of the other, without the shadow of self-interest cruising beneath the surface like a surly shark?”
“Consider the courage of those truly willing to look within and own what they find.”
“It is the nature of our condition that we long for the Other. As life began with the primal separation from the Other, so we seek, for ever, to return. In our age we may even be said to have a culture of longing. We long for the Gods who went underground. We long for connections, the fixes. We are all addicted, seeking connection through chemical substances, money and power, and most of all through the Magical Other. We long for nurturance, for safe harbor, for completion.”
“…has left us stranded on an isle of narcissism, alone, afraid, self-absorbed, and longing for some Other to save us.”
“More people look for salvation through relationship than in houses of worship.”
“…At least one partner must be extremely and overtly needy, with the other needing to be needed – thus
co-dependence, a state in which both are emotionally constricted and developmentally stuck, fused in the
psychologically naïve fantasy that the Other can truly take care of them. Welcome to ‘happy neurosis island.'”
“…and yet he refused commitment, for therein lay the profound abyss of his childhood fear of being abandonded.”
“Rarely is this progression (in the later stages of relationship, when projections dissolve) welcomed as a
chance for personal growth, or as an opportunity to know who the Other really is, if not the one we thought we’d hooked up with.”
“…where he can move into uncharted territories to seek and find the anguish and terror of total realization and discover that he can survive.”
“But when we can comfort our frightened child, stand watch on the ramparts of our own soul, then we may experience transformation.”
“We may even come to bless those who have most hurt us, for they have most contributed to our transformation. We may even love them, allowing them to be who they are, even as we struggle to be ourselves on the journey toward our own destined end.”
* * *
I’d like to hear your thinking on this:
What are your thoughts? Do you resonate with any of this in your life? How have you learned to overcome it?
Taken from “The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other” by James Hollis
Copyright 2018 David Wood.