The following is a transcription taken from Explode Your Practice.
David: No, use it as a service for blended families. Let me lay out what I think you need. In your different levels. From no cost to higher up. The teleclass is easy to run and you can do a free report. Maybe an ebook but they take too long to write. Write a free report from your seminar with bullet points. Make it of value. At the bottom, promote your teleclass and newsletter and say forward it to those that can use it. And you can go to this web page for this seminar. Ask them to fly there. People are flying all over for things these days. Corey Rudl gets an international audience to hear him speak. You have a more limited market in seminars though. That’s why you need teleclasses.
The following is a transcription taken from Explode Your Practice.
David: See, what I’m learning about pricing is that you really get, people are looking to you for initial clues on what the value is.
David: Now if you give them an initial clue that this is worth about $50.00 a month then that’s how they’re going to treat it. If you give them initial clues that this is worth $1,000 a month, you may hit resistance when they look at other things in their life that they compare it to and they go hang on how can that be. So you may need to create a shift in them and you may need to set a certain target market to make sure they’ve got the money to make it easier. But you know, people can pay a thousand a month, and they do for certain things. It might be a holiday or it might be for a Tony Robbins course because it sounds so good.
The following is a transcription taken from Explode Your Practice.
David: I’d like to clarify, are you saying you want to coach her, make a contribution to her because she helped you out a lot
Ah no, not necessarily that, it’s just that she seems the ideal sort of person and she be compatible with
David: Ok Terry, I want you to forget everything I said before
Yeah Ok
David: How do you feel about saying what you just told me?
David: Well it’s the truth. She’s seems to be doing really well, she seems to be somebody you’d be compatible with and she is successful and you feel there might be some other avenues she would like to focus on because she is already so successful in business
Yeah that’s right
David: I mean what a great thing to say and what is great about that to is that it is coming from your heart.
The following is a transcription taken from Explode Your Practice.
David: Right. Now, do you have a bio as a speaker?
No, not as a speaker.
David: There you go. Se we need a bio, and in there you need some testimonials, well you don’t need it, but it is great to have a one pager that looks good, has your photo on it, says bing, bing, bing, here are the benefits of my speech, here is the title, something punchy, and two or three testimonials with people’s names and the companies. And probably only use the company if you spoke for that company. But their name and their title. Now you’ve already done some speaking. So go back, beat the bushes, get testimonials from people, let them know what kind of testimonial you want, you know, maybe send them a draft and say hey, can you give me something that feels good, and then whack it in. When you’ve got a great bio, and the first speaker seeker you speak to, you can fax them your bio or e-mail, and you’re in. Because you’ve already spoken. How does that sound?
The following is a transcription taken from Explode Your Practice.
So what I did was target this to families, especially blended families, by using our story. So once I write that product for this seminar, the next step is to write one for the next seminar then another product around that. And they will be similar but will target different markets.
David: I think you need two different documents and on one page write the steps to take to serve the blended family market. Then write the steps to take for the corporate market. There may be overlap. Focus on blended families now then move on at another time. It can even be quarterly if you want. On your web site have something that people can subscribe to and you can send seminar announcements to this. Like a blended family newsletter and you even can have someone write it for you if you don’t want to write it. Because we want to get all these things off your plate from the start.
David: Get someone who is really interested in this. Pay for it or give credit. Maybe they just want to volunteer. I promise you there are people out there who want to volunteer and help.
The following is a transcription taken from Explode Your Practice.
One of the things that she is struggling in is what she wants to do on the career side. I want to get her in touch with where her passions are. How can I open this conversation?
David: well what you probably want to do is develop a regular practice. What you do with her, you are going to want to do with someone else in a couple of weeks. And improve it. So get it on paper, hone it, you can duplicate it, turn it into an ecourse, seminar, printed book, teleclass. You don’t have to go all out. Sit down and write out 15-20 questions. It’s so easy to turn this into a two-month program. I had a client write out questions. I said these 10 can be a book or this can go into articles. Or you can turn that into a free report. Find your dream job with this report.