Congratulations. I hope you LOVE your book.
Now, as this is a new campaign, I would LOVE your advice:
1) Did you happen to forward to any friends, and how?
2) How could I make it even more attractive to spread the word?
Congratulations. I hope you LOVE your book.
Now, as this is a new campaign, I would LOVE your advice:
1) Did you happen to forward to any friends, and how?
2) How could I make it even more attractive to spread the word?
This page has been moved here.
Hi! Since this is such a new campaign, Steve Loflin and I are keen to get all your feedback and suggestions on this fund-raiser.
What could we do to improve the process?
How could we make spreading the word even easier?
Please post your comment below – we’ll read everyone, and respond via email to every question.
David Wood & Steve Loflin
Find a Freedom Buddy here. Post your email, time zone and when you can start in the comments. (Hint: use david[AT] instead of so spammers can’t get your email address off the page).
Or email someone who is in the comments near your time zone to find a Freedom Buddy.
To see the Freedom Buddy System, visit here:
Coaching session with a client on how to handle insomnia. Note I
swear once in this recording, as both the client and I felt comfortable and it seemed appropriate.
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Copyright 2018 David Wood.