I just quit my job.
Which might sound strange since I work for myself.
I’m burned out – been working too hard, to the point where every waking and sleeping moment was about work. Everything blurred to the point that I forget what a day off looks like.
The results got too important – I got attached to the outcome, and started to feel a lot of pressure to make things happen. (Which is ridiculous!)
So I quit. At least for the next four days I’m only going to do what I want to do. As my good friend Nicole Daedone said: “It just has to feel good”.
If I don’t want to speak to groups – I won’t speak. If it feels like too much pressure to put the pitch and sales stuff together, I won’t worry whether I sell anything at the end of the speech. I’m done going for book endorsements unless they feel natural and fun. And I’ve chilled out about selling it to a publisher. (In my mind it’s already sold and published, and it will do how it’s going to do).
I don’t have to earn any money in the next 12 months. I don’t have to sell one product. I don’t have to travel anywhere I don’t want to, or for longer than I want. I don’t have to hang out with anyone I don’t want to – regardless of the business opportunity they might bring. I don’t ~need~ to write a book, and if I do, I don’t need anyone to buy it.
Being hyperfocused can be a gift. I get enormous things done in a short period of time. And…there’s balance.
Will this last past Dec 27? I don’t know. But it’s feeling good right now, and I’m enjoying LOST and reading up on the environment.
So I quit.
I quit my own job.