Say No and Enjoy It
The following is an excerpt of one of David’s coaching sessions in Top Coaching Techniques.
David: You seem to me like someone who really wants the world to like them. That’s all of us to a certain extent. That’s something that you’re definitely working at it. What a great insight to have now, instead of at age 60 or 70. There will be a few bumps as you figure out what is right. You may go overboard flexing your muscles and go too far sometimes. But, that’s fine. It’s time you stirred things up a little bit.
Client: Yes!
David: Say, ‘Bring on the consequences.’ That ties in to the second goal. You’ve got to have more fun and stop being so serious. So how about when you are scared to say no to somebody? You can actually go the other way and stir it up a little bit. Have some fun with it. Can you please pass me a glass of water? ‘No. Never as long as I live.’
Client: [laughing] Yes. I can tell this is going to be an interesting task.
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