Testimonials are easy to get.
And — they serve a couple of purposes. Obviously, they help a prospective client see that you have helped someone else, which is likely to give them more confidence in signing up with you. This is particularly valuable in the first couple of years while you may be working on a certification.
But secondly, they show YOU that you have helped others, and that you really do make a contribution!
In this section, I’ll ask you to get three clear testimonials that you can use to promote your credibility, your confidence, and your services. Note it can be as simple as a couple of lines from someone you have assisted. Of course it must be their words and you need their permission. It’s ideal if they are willing for you to put identifying information such as their full name, job title, company, city, and even e-mail address at the bottom. And who knows, maybe even age? This allows a potential client to better relate to the situation. And — if their company is known, and/or they have a professional-sounding title, it gives you added credibility. I also like to ask for a scanned photo so people can see it’s a real person.
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