Top Ten Tips to Setting and Achieving Goals That Make a Difference
The following is an excerpt from Top Coaching Techniques.
1. Pick a goal that excites you – not something you think you SHOULD have.
2. Would you choose this if you only had 12 months to live? Reassess your priorities.
3. Make it real by being specific: by when will you have it? How many, what colour? How will you feel?
4. Will this goal fulfil you, or just be another thing to have? Is it thing related, or people related? Spiritual? Something which expresses who you really are?
5. What are the key milestones to achieve along the way. Again, be specific.
6. Work out how to make it fun – be creative. e.g. a picture of the dream body you will become on your wall.
7. Broadcast it. Commit to this by telling three key people you will do this, announcing it via email, and putting a display up on your wall. (If you’re concerned about failure or how you’ll look, work with a coach).
8. Don’t play Lone Ranger. Write your list of what who and what you have access to which could help you.
9. Write your list of what needs to be done to achieve the first milestone.
10. Put your support structures in place to help you achieve this (e.g. a buddy doing the same thing, a coach, diarised action steps at specific times)
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