MentorMonthly #123: How to Create a Product in Seven Days
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FEATURE: How to Create a Product in Seven Days
Taken from my book ‘Get Paid For Who You Are‘
In our last newsletter we discussed why you need a product. This time, we are reviewing how to create a product in 7 days.
How to Create a Product in Seven Days
While I call this section: “How to create a product in seven days,” you can really do this in 7 hours! It’s that hot.
Here are the magic six steps:
1. Record a Teleclass
Do 4-5 versions of the same teleclass. Each time you will refine and improve it. Then choose the best recording and that’s your product.
2. Edit Your Audio Files
Create an edited version of your audio file. You can find someone on to add music at the beginning and end and take out any irrelevant sections like the 5 minutes where you are waiting for people to join the call. This should cost you under $100.
3. Create a Transcript
Create a transcript. Again, go to and find someone to turn one hour of audio into a polished transcript for $50 to $150. For bonus points, have them do a little editing to take out the ummms and errrrs and have it read a little smoother.
4. Generate a Special Report
Create a special report. Take that transcript and turn it into a report. Hire an editor to pull out the top seven points, create headlines and sections and format it nicely. You’ve now got a two to four page report.
5. Create a Product
Create a product. Have you noticed how even when you’re buying a digital download, the sales page shows a nice 3D box with a big headline and a smiling person on it? That’s because it looks more tangible, like something you could hold in your hands, and sells better. Ask a graphic designer on for a 3D box to represent your product for under $100.
6. Create a Physical CD
Create a physical CD. Have your new graphic designer tweak the 3D box cover into a flat 2D CD cover. You can sell your CDs from the website, or at your speaking events if you decide to speak to promote your business.
Down the track when you want to get fancier, you might create a membership site which people will pay you a monthly fee to access. You might add worksheets, special reports, audio, video, and a discussion forum so your members can support each other. One example is which I created to support readers of my book. For inexpensive software to run this, try combined with a program called Wishlist.
Take Action
1) What topic would you LOVE for your teleclass? Would you tell me at the blog?
2) Schedule in time to create your product.
David Wood
P.S. If you have any comments on this newsletter, we’d love you to share them here.
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