I hope this story helps you, or someone you know…
My Kids Saw the Back of My Laptop Instead of My Face
I already had companies earning $15m in revenue.
I was immersed in a new startup I believe in. And…I was in trouble.
My relationship was suffering. My kids saw the the back of my laptop instead of my face. I was working up to 80 hours a week, and heading for a crash.
On a weekend trip to Athens, laying awake in bed, I decided to get help. And that’s when a mentor recommended David…
I must say, it’s been an insightful first month!!
In my first session, David asked me to leave my phone behind during dinner. I was surprised how happy this made my young son. We agreed I’d stop talking about business outside business hours, and I was surprised how happy this made my partner.
I’m a great ideas man, which can be overwhelming. David helped me map out all the options, and choose a strategy to focus on for the next few months. Whew – what a relief!! I’ve also realized I’m a recovering perfectionist. So David has encouraged me to release ideas to market faster and fail faster, so I can implement my learnings into the next cycle.
There’s a long way to go, but in just a month I’ve made giant strides. I’m better organized, more confident, more relaxed, and I plan powerfully for each day. And while before I felt constantly torn between work and family, now I feel like I’m winning at being businessman, a boyfriend, and a Dad. What the hell is going to happen in month 2!!?
I know I’ll hit or surpass my business goals this year. And with David’s help, I’ll get there as a relaxed father and partner who is deeply present with his family, and takes the weekend off!
(Approved by client, to be published anonymously)
Who do you know who is a successful entrepreneur who might be feeling overwhelmed, and like support getting laser focused to double productivity and profits? If they have life/personal growth goals, even better!
Kindly introduce us via email or Facebook right now while they are on your mind.
They can read about my coaching and set up a call with me here: www.solutionbox.com/mylife.html.
I promise to be a contribution to them, regardless of whether or not I invite them to be a client.
And thank you. I appreciate you.