The following is an excerpt of one of David’s coaching sessions in Top Coaching Techniques.
David: You know, I understand it. I know you’re like, ‘I hope he says yes, and if he says yes, I hope he sticks to it because he might change his mind later. If he says no, then am I going to do it on my own,’ or whatever. There’s no commitment from you.
Client: Right, so you’re suggesting that I need to just figure out what I want to do, commit to it, and see what part of it he wants to join me on and what part he doesn’t.
David: Well, you could do that but let’s look at an upgrade to that. What if you decided what you wanted to do, made a commitment to it, and then enrolled or enthused him in playing that game with you?
Client: Right.
David: It’s a very different place to come from, when you’re actually committed to it, than saying, ‘I’d really like it. Let’s kind of do it.’
Client: Right. I’m so glad you said that, because that’s sort of what I came to today. I was like, ‘You know, I just need to figure out what are the things that are really important for me to accomplish over, let’s say, the next year? How am I going to prioritize those things? How am I going to make them happen? What parts do I need him or don’t I need him to do with me?’