Unconfident about Confidence
The following is an excerpt of one of David’s coaching sessions in Top Coaching Techniques.
David: Say you’ve been saying in your mind, ‘Oh, lacking confidence is terrible and bad, and that’s why, you know…’ While you have that, I think you’ll constantly be trying to fix it, and the irony is, that’s what’s going to stop you from having it.
Client: Mm hmm!
David: You’re unconfident about your confidence.
Client: [laughing] Yes.
David: At some point, here’s what’s going to happen to you. You’re going to wake up one day and realize ‘Oh, this is me. All of it is just me, and that’s fine. When I feel confident, then I feel confident; and when I feel unconfident, I feel unconfident. I can be a real timid little dear sometimes, and that’s a part of me that I want to start to get to know.