How To Craft a Sizzling Elevator Pitch
The following is an excerpt from the book Get Paid For Who You Are.
Now it’s time to refine your offer and target market into an “elevator pitch”. an elevator pitch is you telling someone what you do in the time it takes to ride an elevator. Sometimes 10- 30 seconds is all you’ll have to state who you are and what you can do.
The beauty of an elevator pitch is that, in addition to helping you say with ease and confidence what you do and for whom, it also allows others to spread the word about you. So, the next time someone asks your friend, “What does Mollie do?” Your friend replies, “She helps small business owners get free publicity” or, “She teaches families of cancer patients how to support their loved one and cope”.
Here are more samples of “sizzling” elevator pitches:
- I help start-up biotech companies bring life-saving drugs to market faster.
- I show you how to make pottery at home in 5 easy steps.
- I help women 45 and older recover from divorce.
- I help people who need to buy or sell used heavy machinery.
- I show people how to save thousands of dollars on their plumbing expenses, by doing it themselves.
- I connect hikers with the trails just made for them.