It was so hard to decide, I had to choose two winners!
Congratulations to Wendy Brand of, Michigan, and Vickie Spencer of, North Carolina.
Each will receive hundreds of dollars, if not thousands, of training value in the ‘Get Paid For Who You Are’ training program, launching March 24 at noon Pacific.
Here are their inspirational stories:
“I first learned about you, David, on a google search for coaches. After reviewing your website, newsletters, calls, and purchasing your cd program “First Fifty Clients” I found inspiration and desire to take action on passions that I had almost let expire. I designed a website, opened a new vegan cafe and went to the public with my coaching. (I had previously only coached family and friends). I have received great emotional rewards from serving others.
However, I had always felt uncomfortable asking for compensation. Now I know that it’s okay and have several new paying clients that truly appreciate my services. And I’m just getting started!
I am finally opening a wellness center that I had put off for almost 11 years. I see victory ahead!
I look forward to inspiring others, just as you have inspired me. Thank you, David!”
Wendy Brand,
Ontario, Canada
(Editors note: Vickie Spencer, below, has chosen the voice dialogue method of communicating with some form of our ‘higher self”. While Vickie uses the name God, you should use whatever name works for you – Sage, Spirit, Wisdom, Reality, Univers etc.)
“V: God, I just want to take a moment and thank you for my coaching practice – whatever shape it’s taken, the up’s and down’s, I just wanted to thank You.
G: You’re welcome. Anything else?
V: Yes. I wanted to thank you for some of the resources You led me to four years ago. I was ½ way through coach training and realized I don’t know business, and the training wasn’t teaching me. So, I believe You led me to First Fifty Clients and 10 Super Coaches by SolutionBox.
G: Why do you think I led you?
V: Because I have never felt taken advantage of by David Wood or his resources. I’ve always felt that he gave more than he promised, and I’ve always been able to put everything into practice, it wasn’t just theoretical. I could have spent hundreds or thousands of dollars and gotten very little, so I think You sent me to David’s resources.
G: And what have you done with it?
V: Well, I think You know, but I’ll play along! I decided to not get discouraged once training ended and actually put feelers out there for free sessions. I saw myself as having something of value to share with others and to not let money stand in the way and have the courage to negotiate it. I also felt grounded in reality – that I wasn’t going to make 6 figures my first year and that was okay, so I was free to take the baby steps to move in some people’s lives.
G: Like who?
V: Well, if I didn’t have David’s resources I couldn’t have helped the woman leaving for Mozambique make the most of her last 5 months here, who didn’t pay me full price, but paid me more than half of what I asked. Or, I wouldn’t have been able to talk with the business woman who appeared to have it all together, but couldn’t get her house cleaned because she was losing motivation in life because she was facing an empty nest in a few months.
G: I knew you’d do really well with both of them. I really like them.
V: Or, the woman living in Turkey who was going through coach training but wanted to be coached and firm up personal foundations so she could be authentic in her life, let alone her coaching.
G: She’s doing really well now.
V: And there were so many others. Because I could help them, I have been able to define success for myself which I thought was just money.
G: It ISN’T???? What else could there possibly be? (wink wink)
V: I think money is really important and I think if you don’t have enough, it’s hard to think bigger. So, using David’s resources have helped me connect to the clients that financially support me. But, success (although it includes money), also includes using my skills and abilities to help others as You lead them to me, that I have the tools to be able to reach out and help them trust that I’m not going to take advantage of them, and the wisdom to know when a client isn’t right for me – and say no. That whole ability to move in confidence and freedom brings me great joy.
G: It brings Me joy to watch you in your “flow”.
V: Well, thanks for helping me find the right resources from SolutionBox and clients!!
G: You’re welcome. Now, about your habit of procrastinating….
Vickie Spencer,
North Carolina, USA
* * *
Congratulations Wendy and Vickie! Your training programs are on their way to you.
Now – what do you feel inspired to make happen? I invite you to add a comment below.