The following is an excerpt of one of David’s coaching sessions in Top Coaching Techniques.
David: Great. Yeah. Not just one. Now with technology – because we’re not talking 20 years ago, we’re talking now – do you think it’s possible that you could develop a medium or a way of delivering that service or product without you having to be in a particular physical location? Do you think you’d actually do it from home, and then use the technology we have available today to deliver some kind of service or product?
Client: Yes.
David: Okay, so are we done on that one?
Client: Yeah. (Laughs). Okay. Yeah, touché.
David: Okay.
Client: Okay. All right. Yes.
David: Yes. I get the question all the time when I help coaches. They say, ‘Look, would people pay me to coach them?’ I find it similar to your question, which is basically, ‘Would people pay me to do something from home, or that I can do living in a nice location?’ I say that the answers are the same to both of those questions. It’s not so much about would people pay you, it’s a question of what would people pay you for.
The following is an excerpt of one of David’s coaching sessions in Top Coaching Techniques.
David: I’d love to see you test market a video. Show lots of people. What’s the demand; what do they want? If you need 10 or 15 grand to get a really good one done, okay. Then you go look for some capital to get a video done. But, that’s one project. Then you might look at something else. I mean, it’s a fun thing to look at and to think about. Maybe it’s just that I haven’t had experience with a lot of getting a whole bunch of capital and going out great guns, but I really thought you’d do that when you want speed to market.
Client: I agree. I see what you’re saying. I think that’s how it usually ends up falling, but I just think about all the other businesses. You’ve got my mind rolling. I’m looking back saying, ‘Okay, when I started this business, how did it really get started? How did it become successful?’ It was a ramping up.
David: I’m a huge believer in that.
Client: That’s a good point. That’s very true. You’re right on that.
David: So it’s like a dance. You get to grow totally in tune with your market, and responding to your market, instead of coming up with this plan of what you think the market will take – instead of going out there and hoping. Okay. So have some fun with that. There’s a good point to it, to feel out the market. It’s responding to what you feel, rather than trying to tell it what it should be.
The following is a transcription taken from Explode Your Practice.
David: So what does this brand really convey to people. Like when I see the NIKE ™ symbol I think of health, and exercise and action. So what do you want people to feel when they see your brand.
That’s an excellent question and I don’t have an answer to that. So looking at the key messages would definitely move me further along there.
David: OK great. Well I will suggest just a couple of things that are coming to my mind now and maybe you can extend on that for homework. One thing I thought of was romance. Because particularly, my feeling is that women are going to buy this more than men.
David: Women care more about their relationship. That’s their focus. It’s like not much is more important than their relationship. Whereas men can be more career-driven, like that. So if you work out that a large part of your target market is going to be women. Then perhaps romance could be one of the key messages. Another one that I got was security.
The following is a transcription taken from Explode Your Practice.
And I understand the on the job quality of this, the on the job training but that is one of my security issues like the education.
David: And yeah I know why, so why don’t we talk about in our next session. One of the things we could talk about training. Because the way I see my job is, in this program the coach start program, is to set you up with a business structure and the confidence you need to coach without going into lectures and training. So definitely we will go through the checklist and get you to list fallback questions and in fact why don’t you do that for homework.
So you want me to come up with some possibilities?
David: Come up with 10 questions you could ask that might move somebody forward, have them look forward and create something.
David: Which, by the way, doesn’t require any knowledge on your part?
Because that I manage very well as a teacher I do that.
David: Does that lift your self-confidence?
David: Excellent! So, list 10 fall back questions. You’re going to feel insecure as a coach for at least 6 months.
The following is a transcription taken from Explode Your Practice.
You’ll want to get a graphic designer to come up with and work with you to come up with some of those images. Whip up some logos. That kind of thing. But, then test it. Get people who are your perfect market. The kinds of people who you would love to come to you and hire you. And who can afford you, of course. And run it past them. Run past three or four different logos and ask them which coach would you hire or if you saw this on the web or in a magazine which one would you want to call. And ask them how it makes them feel, what kind of sense they get from the company from looking at it and see if they can find the key messages. See if it is coming through and if it does, you’re set. Your home and hosed as we say in Australia.
The following is an excerpt of one of David’s coaching sessions in Top Coaching Techniques.
David: Yes! It’s just coming to me some of the things that are going to become obvious just to throw in there – an upgrade special. You know, ‘I wanted to let you know we’ve got an upgrade special this month.’ That might go out in the third letter that they get. If, instead of a half page or full page, you get a two-page spread.
Client: That’s a very good point.
David: As you know, it’s so much easier than getting a new sale.
Client: That’s a good call, a very good call. I like it.
David: Great.
Client: Yeah, thanks for that. They’re good ideas and you’re right about the customer relationship management system, because if you don’t do that, you tend to just blunder on – making sales, making sales – and not following up on the sales you’ve got.
David: Then you lose the referrals, or you could lose a customer in the end, plus you lose your extensions. What you want is to make it so easy. When they go to renew, it’s like, ‘Oh, you know, I only want to work with people who are keeping touch with me every now and then, and who are handling stuff so that I don’t have to think about it.’
Client: Yeah, good call.
David: ‘ If they sold to me and I don’t hear from them again, it’s like every day I have to wonder if this was a good idea.’