The following is an excerpt of one of David’s coaching sessions in Top Coaching Techniques.
Client: So I’m going to have to be a little more forgiving, because obviously I’m the one that it’s affecting. I need to be a little more forgiving, a little more open and honest.
David: I think that’s a start. Now I want to help you go to the next level.
Client: I need that!
David: Great, because there are two more levels here to look at. One is, you said a little more forgiving and a little more open. How about completely forgiving your mother for how she did motherhood? How about saying that she did motherhood the best that she knew how. Yeah, she might kick herself now looking back, but at the time, she didn’t say, ‘look I really want to screw up motherhood today’. She never said that. So how about taking on that perspective and completely forgiving your mother, and seeing her as a human being?
Paul: I think it’s very easy not to look on your mother as a human being sometimes.
David: Yes! Absolutely. You know we grow up as little boys and we become little boys in men’s bodies. We’ve still got that perspective. Then when we finally see our mother as trying to do motherhood… People express feelings in certain ways, right? As kids we want them to be open and loving. Most people aren’t.
The following is an excerpt of one of David’s coaching sessions in Top Coaching Techniques.
David: Remember any feelings you have about it, they are all natural and all okay to have. They don’t mean anything. They’re just feelings and part of being a human being. Feel it all. It’s okay.
Client: Okay. All right. Sounds good.
David: I don’t normally say this, but I am here for you.
Client: I really appreciate that. When I emailed you during the week – that really helped.
David: Some people are going through little changes, some big. You are normal and natural if you wanted a little more support. The message is, if you ever need to call me or email me, please do it. My guess is, you’re only going to need two or three minutes, especially since you are on a great path.
The following is an excerpt of one of David’s coaching sessions in Top Coaching Techniques.
Client: I just felt like driving. I thought I could just keep driving, and driving, and driving.
David: Right.
Client: No worry about where I’m driving to, just keep driving.
David: Well you’re allowed to do that. Now you put something down near the bottom of the form, where you said, ‘I want to find ways of loving me and nurturing me.’
Client: Yeah.
David: Now I think that you’re doing that. I think that’s exactly where you are. I set up a context or a perspective for this call before we spoke, and the context that I created was healing and nurturing. I think you’re doing that. When you go to a therapist, you are loving yourself. You’re saying, ‘I’m worth taking care of.’ When you go to a financial planner, knowing that finances is something that’s bothering you, you are loving yourself and you’re taking care of yourself.
The following is an excerpt from Top Coaching Techniques.
Client: Well, I just get asked it 500 times a day.
David: Asked what?
Client: Well, ‘Have you got a job? Have you got job? What are you doing?’
David: Yeah, so society helps you. Society is supporting your judge. All I want you to notice for now is that you’ve got a judge that came to me on this call and said, ‘I feel like I’m not doing enough.’ We could look at it and we could check with another judge higher up, like God, and God would probably say, ‘You’re doing great. You don’t even need to do all this flyer stuff and all this business stuff.’ Even on that basis, even if we were going to judge you against everything you’ve done, even that stacks up. You’ve done a whole bunch of stuff.
I want you to take on something; I just want you to consider something for yourself, so we’ll plant a little seed here. I want you to consider the possibility that every single thing you did in the last seven days was actually what you should have done, even where you set a target and you didn’t make it. I want you to just consider, like what if you actually had, for you, at this stage in your life, the perfect week. Now there’s only one way that you could decide it wasn’t a perfect week. There’s only one way that you could decide, ‘Now that bit there, on the Thursday when my car broke down, that wasn’t perfect.’ There’s only one way you could decide that. Do you know what that is?
Client: If I decide it.