The Time Between Sessions
Ingrid: You speak with people perhaps once a week for a half an hour, or an hour. How do they carry that through to all of the other hours in their week?
David: Right. Well, most of the work actually occurs off the call. Someone comes to me, we’ll spend thirty minutes on the call, and we’ll agree on homework. So I’m asking them, ‘What are you going to do in the next seven days?’ I’ll come up with a list of things, and then I might suggest some things. How about this? How about that? So they’ve actually got a list of actions to carry out. Then when it comes time for the call in the next week, they’ll sit down and do some preparation. They look at what they’ve achieved, what they meant to achieve but didn’t, and they might even create some action steps for the following week. Then they’ll decide what we’re going to work on that week. It’s actually amazing – even before they come to the call, they’ve coached themselves, and they’ve really covered a lot of ground.
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