What a Coach Provides – Part 1
The following is an excerpt from the CoachStart Manual.
A coach will provide many things during this process, such as:
a) Access to ideas the client may already hold, but is not yet aware of.
By viewing the situation from a different perspective, the coach is able to lead the client in an exploration of ideas that he/she may not have previously considered.
b) Clarity around what the client actually wants.
What does it look like? In which country? How many? How often? How would you feel?
c) A sounding board for new ideas.
Providing a safe place to suggest new ideas is an essential aspect of the coach’s role, in that this encourages the client to step beyond their current situation, unlocking a world of new, unexplored potential.
d) Support in big decision making.
Encouragement in walking new paths is essential to build the courage to continue beyond the safety of what is known. The coach can help the client grow and develop their own individual strategies and solutions.
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