Who Does Your Brand Speak To?
The following is a transcription taken from Explode Your Practice.
David: So what does this brand really convey to people. Like when I see the NIKE ™ symbol I think of health, and exercise and action. So what do you want people to feel when they see your brand.
That’s an excellent question and I don’t have an answer to that. So looking at the key messages would definitely move me further along there.
David: OK great. Well I will suggest just a couple of things that are coming to my mind now and maybe you can extend on that for homework. One thing I thought of was romance. Because particularly, my feeling is that women are going to buy this more than men.
David: Women care more about their relationship. That’s their focus. It’s like not much is more important than their relationship. Whereas men can be more career-driven, like that. So if you work out that a large part of your target market is going to be women. Then perhaps romance could be one of the key messages. Another one that I got was security.
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