Yes, Even You Can Do It
The following is an excerpt from the book Get Paid For Who You Are.
When Jillian Wells became wheelchair bound, she felt the despair of anyone whose freedom and independence is limited. Yet she was the sort of person to do whatever she could, no matter what, and she began to devour all she could read or hear about new ventures to enrich her life.
She wanted to run online forums on self-development for women, but she had no business experience or knowledge of computers. What she did have was lots of determination and a willingness to make it happen. She began by borrowing her business partner’s website, and started advertising on facebook and e-academy. The online forums she created were deeply satisfying and transforming — for the women who attended, and for her.
Her other passion is running a lighthouse in australia with guest accommodations. the lighthouse website was very old, so she contacted the web designer and reworked the entire site to make it more interactive ( as a result, she is getting at least four enquiries a day, which translates into more bookings. She’s the first to admit, “My lifestyle has greatly improved and i feel i’m making a difference for others and myself.”
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