'What Is Coaching REALLY?'
by David Wood
Create a Life You Love Newsletter, July 2002
Today I called a woman back who had enquired about
and she said: "Thanks for calling me back so
quickly. It helps
to keep the momentum going". And what coaching
became crystal clear!
Impulses for Change
From time to time, we get impulses
for change. It might be
because we get inspired. We might see someone else
what we want. A new possibility might occur to you.
A flash
of insight? A friend or colleague challenges you.
Most often
it's because something has gotten worse than we're
willing to
tolerate, and we say: "I've had enough!"
Whatever the reason, this impulse
for change comes along at
certain intervals in our life. However, we all know
the impulse
rarely lasts. Last week I had an impulse to exercise
However, it's not particularly consistent, and doesn't
come at times when it's convenient for me to exercise.
You may have thought: "You know - my relationship
could be better. Surely this isn't as good as it
gets?" And
the next day the impulse is gone. Or "What
would it take to
double my profits? I'm really going to make some
changes in
this business when I get less busy". A few
days later your focus
is on something else.
OR, are you the kind of person who
takes on new projects
with gusto, to find out that a few weeks or months
later it
feels old hat, and you follow a familiar pattern
of switching
to something else?
This is why we
human beings do not make so many of the changes
that are
possible in our lives.
Without coaching - without a STRUCTURE
- our natural
tendency is to keep our patterns. Go to work. Make
Keep the same relationships. Keep the same barriers.
the same things to change. But don't change them.
Feel an
impulse for change - lose the impulse for change.
Staying the
same is the natural outcome.
But Do We Need to Change?
No. But wouldn't it be wise? These
impulses for change are
the signals telling you what is next for you in
life. They are
your intuition letting you know that you are missing
opportunities. They are messages (sometimes subtle)
what you would ~really~ like to do in your life,
what your
business needs, the perfect job, who you should
be with right
If I may get a little deep for just a moment - they
are not only
the signals that will help us achieve the goals
we are striving
for, but the signals that are telling us how to
evolve as people.
If we ignore these impulses, we'll feel restless
at a very deep
level - knowing something is wrong, but not sure
Not understanding this restlessness, we must seek
ways to
quieten it - TV, movies, alchohol, smoking, over-reading
OK - I'm getting a little off track
but I think you get my point. It's important that
these impulses do not get left by the way side.
You want the secret to achieving your goals and
having an
amazing life?
The Coaching Structure
At it's simplest, coaching may be
described as a structure.
Coaching harnesses the energy for change; those
that last from a moment to a few weeks. If you feel
impulse to exercise more you may exercise once -
until the
next impulse. But if you join a gym for a year and
hire a
personal trainer, you ~will~ be fit! In fact it
would be very
hard to avoid it having set up this structure.
Coaching is a similar structure, for
any goal that's important
to you. You make a commitment to your goals, and
to working
for a certain time frame with a coach. This is often
3 months
or 6 months, usually with one or more review points
to assess
progress. Normally once a week you have a conversation
your coach, and you commit to specific actions to
move you
forward. Within a coaching structure, your natural
is to pursue your goals and achieve them. It's ~hard~,
fact very hard to keep your patterns and your life
the same
when you focus so much consistent attention on what
really want, and make promises to a third party.
With a coach, the man who feels an
impulse to change careers
isn't still thinking about it in three months time.
He's hired a
coach, he's found a new career possibility which
inspires him,
he's got a new resume and ten interviews lined up.
With a coach, the woman who wants
to organise her business
so that she has time for herself isn't still complaining
it in six months time. She's hired a coach, created
an empowering
time allocation, set her boundaries, hired an assistant,
obviously happier and is therefore attracting more
So here's the key:
Without a coach, the path of least
resistance is to keep your
life the same. Impulses for change often do not
last long enough
to act upon.
With a coach, the path of least resistance
is to achieve your
goals! Impulses for change are converted to momentum.
So would coaching be a smart investment
for you right now?
Are you the kind of person who could benefit?
You decide. I say it's for people
who recognize that coaching
is a powerful structure for harnessing your energy
for change,
and to help you move forward. If you're content
for the next
five years to be similar to the last five years,
then you don't
need any input or help from anyone. However, aren't
curious to know what your life could be like in
five years time
if you harnessed your impulses for change, carried
through, and had fun while doing it?
By David Wood
Copyright 2002-2004 SolutionBox
Maybe distributed freely providing
attribution and copyright information remain intact,
and the article is unaltered.
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appealed to you, then I invite
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